The substantial changes of social and financial conditions both in Greece and abroad have greatly influenced the legal rules that regulate both the status of individuals and legal entities and also every facet of their activity and function.
These changes obviously influence justice, as a foundation of a well governed state. Justice’s indispensable component is the practice of advocacy. Modern advocacy demands not only essential training, but also specialization in all legal sectors, in order for maximum protection and qualitative and efficacious legal services to be provided to those expecting it.
In that prospect this law firm was founded, in order to unify the scientific knowledge and individual skills of its members and partners, enhancing and evolving them even more through collectivity and joint effort. As the word “parresia” indicates, our speech is direct and sincere, courageous but also prudent. We form relations of mutual trust with our assignors, defending and fighting for their legitimate interests and rights.
We provide our services in a technologically and functionally fully equipped office. We cooperate with a wide net of scientifically skilled and competent partners both in Greece and abroad, in order to effectively and directly cover our assignors’ needs and requisitions. Thus we advance steadily and decisively in line with rendering true legal support to our assignors. Always with positive energy. Always with “PARRESIA”(= frankness).